
A popular community committed to arts and culture.

Durham: A gorgeous community featuring downtown lofts and planned communities around lakes and golf courses.

Durham’s vibrant quality of life and commitment to arts and culture contribute to its ever-growing popularity. Durham’s neighborhoods surround Duke and North Carolina Central Universities and Research Triangle Park and range from historic homes on tree-canopied streets to renovated Downtown lofts and communities planned around lakes or golf courses. Like many cities in America, Durham is shedding its industrial roots and experiencing a bona fide renaissance. Located between the Great Smoky Mountains and the coastal plains to the east, this rapidly growing city is a modern, multicultural center with flourishing industries and institutions. Known as the home of Duke University, a fierce basketball rivalry, and the classic 80s movie Bull Durham, Durham draws people looking for a thriving cultural scene, hyper-local food, and eclectic locals. Read more to find out why residents are proud to call Durham their home.

On the campus of Duke University, a 210-foot chapel overlooks the quintessential collegiate scene – a grassy quad, neo-Gothic architecture, shady oaks, and a plethora of students enjoying North Carolina’s pleasant weather. It also overlooks the world-class Sarah P. Duke Gardens, which offers 55 acres of diverse flora and fauna perfect for strolls down winding pathways, learning about rare and endangered species, and spots for picnics. Durham’s identity is inextricably linked to its globally acclaimed academic institutions. Durham has become known as the “City of Medicine” due to its large clinical and biomedical research institutions. Ranking #1 in North Carolina, #17 nationwide, and having two, separate, Nobel Prize-winning staff members in the past decade, the Duke Medical Center has established itself as a hub for innovative medical solutions and technologies.

Once home to Big Tobacco, the American Tobacco Campus repurposed factories to become offices, residential areas, commercial spaces, and art centers, revitalizing Durham in the process. The American Tobacco Campus houses the American Underground, otherwise known as “The Startup Hub of the South”. It’s an area for entrepreneurs on the cutting edge of technology to build progressive companies while paying homage to the entrepreneurial success stories of the past.

If you love the arts, Durham is the place to live. With more than 40 annual festivals, residents enjoy a wide array of entertainment like the American Dance Festival, Bimbé Cultural Arts Festival, Bull Durham Blues Festival, Durham CenterFest, and the Full Frame Documentary Film Festival. You’ll also enjoy other events which include symphony concerts, jazz festivals, plays, art exhibitions, and cultural expos.

From soul food and BBQ to global cuisine and craft beer, Durham residents have the privilege of enjoying a diverse and delicious culinary scene. Deemed the Tastiest Town in the South by Southern Magazine and America’s Foodiest Small Town by Bon Appétit, locals aren’t surprised by the abundance of accolades. People here care about their food and it shows.

Durham is a rapidly growing city, drawing young, educated residents in droves. With great jobs, nationally recognized restaurants, and a growing arts scene, it’s not hard to understand why. Homes in Durham range from gorgeous historic residences on tree-canopied streets to renovated downtown lofts and planned communities with lakes and golf courses. With property taxes and living costs slightly lower than the national average, homeownership is both easy and affordable. When you live in Durham, you can have it all!

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